Dr Maxine Szramka MBBS (Hons 1) B Med Sc FRACP is an experienced general Rheumatologist and expert diagnostician working from the Gold Coast and the Northern Rivers of NSW, offering comprehensive diagnostic evaluations and treatment programs for Rheumatological conditions. She has a dedicated approach to health care and communicates in a way that is personable, informative and empowering. She treats all Rheumatological conditions and has a special interest in Gout, Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Musculoskeletal pain, including sports type injuries.
Maxine trained in Tasmania and lived in Hobart both as a medical student and junior doctor before moving to Melbourne to pursue Physician training at St Vincents Hospital. She loved Hobart, but career prospects made the call to move to Melbourne. Maxine lived in Melbourne for 5 years before coming to Sydney, and has never looked back as she loves the city! She says its like a bigger Hobart, and warmer too!
Before doing Rheumatological training, Maxine has had a vast experience in different fields of medicine and an interest in and understanding of health and well-being which allows her to have a comprehensive and thorough approach to considerations of your health care. Highly astute, and an expert diagnostician, she has had training in surgery, general medicine, clinical pharmacology and infectious diseases prior to completing Rheumatology specialty training. Maxine is a self confessed science nerd, lover of philosophy and cares deeply about our health and well-being: she is interested in the relationship between diet and lifestyle and our health and well-being as well as the role that stress and our emotions can have in impacting us.
Integrity is the foundation of Maxine’s life in all areas. Maxine loves people and believes in giving back to the community, and as part of this she is active in professional affairs, has served on the Committee for Professional Affairs for the Australian Rheumatology Association and has been the Chair of the Committee of Quality and Safety for the ARA. She is a peer reviewer for an international Rheumatology journal, is a Clinical Senior Lecturer for the University of Wollongong, a member of the Australian Medical Association and provides educational sessions for peers, GPs, and webinars and workshops for patients and carers regarding particular health and disease conditions. She also is involved in a number of community volunteer projects. She’s also passionate about the health and well-being of the medical profession and writes and presents on this matter.
Maxine stays fit and active, taking good care of her own health! and is keenly interested in society and social affairs. She is a regular contributor to other websites as well as having her own personal blog site for commentary.