The best thing that we have in Rheumatology to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis are medications called DMARDs. These are immune modifying drugs that modify the immune process to stop it attacking itself in the autoimmune process that is rheumatoid arthritis. These are effective medications for most people.
For more information on DMARDs read here…
If DMARDs do not work, there are a new generation of medications that are injectable called the biological drugs (click here to read more about biologicals). These drugs are very expensive and there are strict criteria for the government to fund access to these medications in Australia. They are also very effective, but they are not a cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis, and its important to note that not everybody responds to these drugs either.
Many people speak to me expressing their desire to pursue a more ‘natural’ approach to the management of their arthritis. This is understandable as nobody wants to take drugs with the risk of side effects. Its important to note that with Rheumatoid Arthritis, medications are the best things to best control the disease for best results, as with untreated rheumatoid arthritis the risk of serious joint problems and pain later on is quite significant. Evidence has shown that early intervention with medications improves long term outcome with RA.
That said, the way we eat makes a big difference to our health and well-being, having an impact on our immune system. Many people find changing their diet and taking some supplements to be a support in their well-being in addition to taking medications. That said, there is no one diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis, and this needs to be tailored for each person.
Each person is different and the course of Rheumatoid Arthritis for each person is different and it is important not to compare your disease and response to treatment with that of another person. Its important that your treatment regime is tailored for you and your response to treatment and the disease that is in your body.