The Rheumatology Centre was established to service the expanding needs of people in the community with Rheumatological conditions who needed a site that provided them with astute, concise and easy to understand information about their Rheumatology conditions.
Dr Maxine Szramka provides the information on this site as well as working as a Rheumatologist where she provides expert care and dedicated services for people with Rheumatological conditions. This website is to help support you in your health care in addition to the care you get from your doctors.
Dr Maxine Szramka has practices located on the Gold Coast, QLD and Ballina, Northern NSW.
Dr Maxine Szramka is an expert educator and is sought after for both community and peer education events such as workshops, presentations or conferences. If you would like a speaker for your local event, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Dr Maxine Szramka would be delighted to tailor a presentation according to your needs.